Thursday, April 18, 2013

gorgeous easter 2013

The last week in March brought the best weather we've seen all spring so far, and Easter Sunday may have been the peak of all the beautiful days. The weather this year really fit Easter's purpose well, as it brought me hope and joy and allowed me to associate the new life all around me with the new life offered to us by our Savior and His sacrifice and resurrection. 

Because we have church at 1 pm these days, we let Emory eat a breakfast of sugar, and then joined Jon's family for brunch around 10, after which we rushed home and got ourselves and both boys dressed for church and we actually arrived on time.

this is one of my all time favorite photos--too bad it's only iphone quality. look at those handsome boys!

 after church we snagged a couple photos in the gorgeous weather and even got one of all 4 of us, exhausted as Jon and I look, and as cheeseball as Emory looks, I still love that it's our complete family

We ended the day with dinner with my family plus Kenny's parents. These two photos crack me up because of Oliver, the cat, and Emory's position. He looks so tiny next to all those tall people.

also, E loves this hat; he chose it at the store and wears it all the time. it even looks good on Amber. adorable.

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