Sunday, May 4, 2014

brunch for the birthday boy

Scenes from the post-brunch present opening and cake smashing: family came to town... Great-great Grandma (as Emory calls her), Aunt Kelli, Uncle Doug, and Jocelyn, Jessalin, Nana, Nunu, Grandma, Grandpa, and Amber. I remembered at Emory's first birthday party that the poor guy got super tired and was frustrated that he had to open another present after wanting to play with the one in his hands, so we planned Penn's party a little better for his schedule and succeeded in keeping a happy baby (sorry for being our guinea pig, E). I was thrilled to have Aunt Kelli here to make the cake pretty. I made Penn's little moon cake--we always sing him the moon song before bed, and I had about that much usable cake left after another project so it just came to be. I may not make things as beautiful as possible, but I do make them good-tasting. Somehow we missed out on better photos of the actual smash, but Penn got into the cake and enjoyed it. 

 my mom made Penn the coolest mobile. 

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